It's been awhile since I've bothered to write anything on here. Maybe it's because I've officially been back in the United States for longer than I was actually a United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Bulgaria, and I find that ridiculously frustrating. Crazy, huh?
Part of me feels like I'll be waking up in my cozy block apartment in Samokov tomorrow as if nothing ever happened, and the other part of me feels like those 6 months there never even happened. And that's a horrible way to feel when I gave up so much (and am continuing to do so) to be there. But I'm still convinced that's where I am supposed to be. I just need to figure out the best way to incorporate "6 months of HEALING" into my resume, so the first ever hiatus on my academic/job record doesn't look and feel so scary.
The month and a half or so since my 2 week trip to Greece and Bulgaria and my doctor's appointment have yielded a fair amount of unexcitement. I've been babysitting here and there, trying to catch up with friends, and being relatively unproductive. No big changes in my medical status (next appointment – the BIG ONE… aka the determining factor on my return to Bulgaria – is July 16th), yet I haven't been authorized to really work yet. I am feeling pretty good for the most part, but my status with Peace Corps is in too much limbo to get a real job. Babysitting is picking up, and I have been able to reconnect with some old friends and make a few new ones, so even though it's the life I never thought I'd be living and prayerfully won't repeat, things have been ok.
The big news, is that I just got back from a week long vacation with my mom's dad and all his kids and grandkids (except Ryan and Becky – we missed you guys!). I am so not ashamed to say that the Disney Cruise was the best vacation I've ever had. Unlimited time with my little cuz crew, eating "out" at delicious onboard restaurants every night, drinks by the pool, amazing beaches, my first submarine ;), family time, and photo opps with Mickey, Goofy, and Chip & Dale. It was awesome.
And now, its home, to start working some more, helping to direct VBS this year, and distract myself enough from the eternal limbo I seem to have found myself in.